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New Concept models for 2025: March 8-80×56 Majesta SFP / 6-60×56 FFP Tracking riflescopes
Posted 12/19/2024
Pro commentator Gary Costello from March Scopes interviews the winning team of Extreme Shot Italia IV 2024
Posted 12/16/2024
Congratulations to Timothy Vaught, Alan Kulcak and Gerry Weins for winning top F-Class spots in the 2024 Arizona State Long Range National Championship!
Posted 12/04/2024
Shooting March 4-40×52 Genesis with the most expensive AK47 in the world!
Posted 12/08/2021
What an amazing experience by Panas Masliynyk (Ukraine) with the most expensive AK47 in the world! The combination with March 4-40×52 Genesis scope is breathtaking.(Genesis 4-40×52 scope is capable of engaging targets from 20 meters (21.8yard) up to 4827m (3 miles) without utilizing any external accessories. Total elevation travel mount of 86MIL, 296MOA with a perfect IQ throughout all the magnification range and elevation travel.)
Below is an automatic translation of Panas’s comment.
“Insanely, this is the content of the rubric “The Day”. Moreover, some of my colleagues have already certified this collection as “the most expensive AK in the world”. Well, I do not know, I do not have, so do not claim. But in serious summary we have the following: March Scopes Genesis 4-40×52 scope, МКМ AKM gun, Magpul armor and Alpha 7.62×39 ammunition – they work very well together. I liked it anyway. You will see soon in the video! (P.S) I am wondering about the content project “Sniper AK”. I want to try to squeeze out of this platform everything it can, accurately… Do you think there is in general a sense to bother? Will you be interested in it or not?”
Безумовно, це контент із рубрики “Дічь”. Більше того, дехто із колег вже встиг охрестити цю збірку “найдорожчим калашем у світі”. Ну, не знаю, не рахував, тому не претендую)) А от у серйозному підсумку маємо ось що: приціл March Scopes Genesis 4-40×50, карабін МКМ AKM, обвіс Magpul та патрон Alpha 7,62×39 – насправді чудово працюють разом. Мені, в усякому разі, сподобалося. От побачите скоро на відео! (P.S) Я тут замислився над контент-проєктом “Снайперский АК”. Хочется спробувати витиснути із цієї платформи все, що вона може, по точності… Як гадаєте, є взагалі сенс морочитись? Буде вам таке цікаво, чи ну його?))