
Congratulations to the Canadian Gun Runners Team winning the US grand V² FINALE | F-TR

Posted 06/07/2024

Congratulations to the Canadian Gun Runners Team, supported by March Scopes Canada, conquering the US grand V² FINALE | F-TR for 2 consecutive years! Below is the post by March Scopes Canada.


“We are ecstatic about the great performance of our sponsored Canadian Gun Runners Team, which for two consecutive years has conquered the US grand V² FINALE | F-TR. V² FINALE is a head to head competition at 1,000 yards. Every year, the top 32 F-TR and F-Open shooters (ranked in the United States) get invited to face-off at this double elimination bracket Championship (https://fclasspointsseries.com).
Congratulations to the Canadian Gun Runners on these outstanding wins! We truly admire your impressive work, gentlemen, at representing Canada on the world stages. Our sponsored Canadian Gun Runners team uses March-X 10-60x56mm High Master®

IV V² FINALE (2024)
1st Place – Canadian Gun Runner: SCOTT KYLE
2nd Place – Canadian Gun Runner: BRAD TRAYNOR
5th Place – Canadian Gun Runner: ERIC BISSON
III V² FINALE (2023)
1st Place – Canadian Gun Runner: Armen Papazyan
(F-Class Points Series report https://youtu.be/_Spm1_kLNEc?si=Z3CS_4xGfezL3-tm)”

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