
Video showing how 1-10x24ShortyFFP Dual reticle, 1-8×24FFP FMC-3 reticle looks through a thermal

Posted 03/24/2021

Some of you may want to know how 1-10x24ShortyFFP Dual reticle looks through a thermal.

Thanks to gungitube‘s cooperation, we’d like to present a video. Please click HERE to view the video.


In the video, 1-10x24ShortyFFP is attached to a clip on thermal GSCI TI-GEAR-C675.

In order to block off light between the objective bell of the scope and the eyepiece of the thermal, rubber made cover is attached.

By covering, it creates complete darkness when using the thermal.

As liquid crystal screen is bright when viewing in the dark, brightness of the screen has been darkened. 

The distance to the front building is about 260m(284yard).


You can also check how 1-8×24 FMC-3 reticle looks through a thermal HERE. Illumination is not used.

This video is taken at 246m(269yard) and at 758m(829yard).

As there is a small gap between the objective bell of the scope and the eyepiece of the thermal,

outside light is slightly coming in in this video.


*”gungitube” is edited by G.A.W. one of our dealers in Japan. https://gaw-airsoft.shop-pro.jp/


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