
Video showing beautiful rifles for 2021 Fly shooting by Kaizen Tactical (Australia)

Posted 04/28/2021

Beautiful rifles topped with March Scopes fantastically displayed.
Click HERE to view the Video by Kaizen Tactical team (official March dealer in Australia).
These rifles are specially prepared for the upcoming 2021 Fly shooting season.

Fly shooting is a long range benchrest discipline that will put your reloading techniques and wind reading skills to the ultimate test, whilst promoting a high level of fun and comradery. If you think you have what it takes, why not hook up with your local club and give it your best shot! There is a 200Y Rimfire, 300M and 500M centrefire event held at most SSAA branches in Australia.

New shooters are always welcomed with open arms, but be warned, the BUG can bite harder than the FLY is to shoot!
Like to know more about Fly shooting? Check out these links…
For Brisbane enquiries email Vince Vaina on vince.vaina@gmail.com.

For Kaizen Tactical products and services direct all enquiries to: sales@kaizentactical.com.au.
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