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DEON is closed on September 16th and 23th due to National holidays.
Posted 09/05/2024
Observation and shooting tips of the March 8-80×56 Majesta Riflescope by Denys Beauchemin (USA)
Posted 09/06/2024
Congratulations to Claudio Flores Gutierrez at the National Championships in Chile!
Posted 09/04/2024
New reticle for ISSF 50m, 300m and other shooting category with round targets (article in Japanese as well- ISSF競技対応レティクル新発売)
Posted 10/28/2021
We developed a new reticle especially for ISSF (Olympic regulations) 50m & 300m (for competitions at riflescopes are allowed) and also other shooting categories such as F class where a round target is used. This new MTR-RTM (Round Target Match) reticle is a SFP reticle, meaning that only the target will increase and decrease its size according to the magnification of the scope. You can create a space between the reticle and the round target at your preference. This reticle is developed for ISSF competitions in Japan where riflescopes are allowed in mind, but it can be used for other shooting categories as well. You can see the target size for ISSF 50m, 300m and also F class 300, 500, 800,1000 yards in images below. (F stands for Fclass). In Japan we have started offering this reticle and we will be offering it internationally from January 2022.
MTR-RTM Reticle Instruction – Target size according to the magnification
MTR-RTM Reticle Instruction (チラシ)