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DEON is closed on September 16th and 23th due to National holidays.
Posted 09/05/2024
Observation and shooting tips of the March 8-80×56 Majesta Riflescope by Denys Beauchemin (USA)
Posted 09/06/2024
Congratulations to Claudio Flores Gutierrez at the National Championships in Chile!
Posted 09/04/2024
Warner tool 375 Cheytac ELR with March Genesis 6-60×56 scope by Target TTI OPS (Brazil)
Posted 04/08/2022
This is a nice setup by our distributor in Brazil, Target TTI OPS GROUP! The scope in this picture is March 6-60×56 Genesis scope perfect for ELR shooting. It is capable of engaging targets from 20 meters up to 3 miles (4827m) without utilizing any external accessories. GENESIS employs “High Master Lens System” and “Temperature Anti-Drift Lens System”. Not only that but as the unique design of Genesis scopes (the scope itself inclines) allow the shooter to always see through the central part of the lens, you can gain the highest image quality possible even when the scope is used at maximum elevation amount of 114MIL / 400MOA.
Below is by Target TTI OPS
“Fuzil Warner tool 375 Cheytac ELR com luneta March Genesis. Combinação perfeita para o tiro a longa distância.”
Picture taken by Target TTI OPS (Products Page) / (Company outline)