The National Trophy Team Match 2019 has just concluded.
March Scope Owner – Nez Rongero from the Texas Team shared the wonderful overall results with us again !
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank Nez-san for providing all the information including the explanation of rules etc.
The Texas Team finished 4th overall behind the military teams, won the civilian trophy. Congratulations!! Well done boys!
The civilian trophy national record was set by the Texas team in 2016 with 2947-121X, when the March service rifle scope was introduced.
The civilian trophy is highly contested by Illinois and Texas.
Texas won 2016, Illinois won 2017 and 2018. Texas won this year by 2 points.
Next year should be another good match up.
The individual match is a fast pace match, when you are called to the line you have 3 minutes to set your gear; the mat, scope, shooting stool, and put on your sling, and acquire your natural point of aim. The format being no sighting shots, 10 shots at 200 yards standing in 10 minutes, slow fire, single loading, 10 shots at 200 rapid fire in 60 seconds, 10 shots at 300 rapid fire in 70 seconds, and 20 shots at 600 in 20 minutes, slow fire, single loading.
Whereas, in the team match which comprise of 6 shooters, a coach and a team captain, , the format is the same as the individual match, except in the standing and 600 yards the team is required to pair fire in block time comprising the allotted time per shot plus prep time is combined for the team. Each event continues till all shooters are finished. When the first two shooters are called to the firing line, they do their usual prep time commence firing when ready alternating between them. When finished firing their required rounds, the next pair move up to the firing and shoot, etc.
Now we would like to introduce March Scope Owners doing an excellent job at the National Trophy Team Match.
March Scope Owner – Greg Troxell
Greg Troxell placed 4th on the 2019 Camp Perry President’s Hundred Match.
March Scope Owner – Hugh Reich
Hugh Reich placed 7th at the National Trophy Individual Match.
March Owners who have exciting news please share with us!
We always welcome March Owners’ related news and would be an honor for us to share your accomplishments on our website.
Below is the March 1x-4.5x24mm scope designed for Service Rifle competition and tactical applications
which the Top shooters use at competitions.
Click here to see the detailed specification.